Kazimierz Duda C.K.M. Band of Brothers CHRONICLES DOCUMENTS

[ But Britain is not here. ] Time off would also be useful for those who don't have a wife but are in an "advanced" relationship in England, which is just about everyone.
Who wouldn't be after spending so many years in this foggy country.
We miss our other homeland and the cold Anglo-Scottish women too. So they are haughty, but we can still get along, whereas here in the Netherlands we can't even understand each other.


Kazimierz Duda - Chronicles of war - 7 to 27 October 1944 - Page 87

Translation from French version: Steven Duda

Original page

Original page 87

Réalisé par Steven Duda - Tous droits réservés

Steven Duda - www.stevenduda.com - 69 rue Sellier - 54000 Nancy - France - 00 [33] (0) - steven.duda@wanadoo.fr

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