Kazimierz Duda C.K.M. Band of Brothers CHRONICLES DOCUMENTS

Support Weapons Battalion
Following the disbandment of the 1st Reconnaissance Regiment, the authorities could not reallocate all the personnel of this unit together. However, due to British imposed conditions1 it was necessary to create new detachments.
The 1st Division was short of an infantry battalion, specifically a 3rd battalion, as we had already had two for a long time. We also lacked a Support Arms Battalion to match the British military organisation.
We thought we would become the 9th Infantry Battalion, but then we were told that we would remain the Supporting Arms Battalion, fully motorised, unlike the externally transported Infantry Battalions.
The Support Arms Battalion consists of the battalion command with a supply platoon and three different squadrons.
The order squads:
1. Anti-Aircraft Squadron1, equipped with 20 mm cannons
2. Mortar Squadron2 4.2 inches


Kazimierz Duda - Chronicles of War - 1st November 1943 - Page 3

1 Anti-Aircraft Squadron: szwadron przeciwlotniczy
2 Mortar Squadron: szwadron moździerzy

Translation from French version: Steven Duda

Original page

Original page 3

Réalisé par Steven Duda - Tous droits réservés

Steven Duda - www.stevenduda.com - 69 rue Sellier - 54000 Nancy - France - 00 [33] (0) - steven.duda@wanadoo.fr

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