Kazimierz Duda C.K.M. Band of Brothers CHRONICLES DOCUMENTS

The whole of the Netherlands was looted and robbed by the Germans. The army had its YMCA1 with a mess hall where a soldier could get everything except alcohol. For officers there was the hotel 'Orania'-the best in the whole of Breda. There you could get a room, food and quite a substantial amount of English and front French liquor.
Life for the army in Breda was excellent. Housing conditions good, the company of the fair sex broad. Time passed quickly and pleasantly. Many of our soldiers got married and were constantly applying already from Germany for marriage.
One has to admit that Dutch women can be attractive. They are pretty and nice, and although dressed modestly and poorly, they are tasteful and with taste.
During this period of warfare, the soldier was content with life. The conditions in which he found himself were excellent, and against the backdrop of the poverty and hunger of the population among whom he found himself, he could indeed be grateful to providence for having placed him in the ranks of the army.


Kazimierz Duda - War Chronicles - 11 January to 26 April 1945 - Page 118

1 YMCA : Young Men's Christian Association. As early as 1939, YMCA war service personnel supported the Canadian forces and worked in prison camps.

Translation from French version: Steven Duda

Original page

Original page 118

Réalisé par Steven Duda - Tous droits réservés

Steven Duda - www.stevenduda.com - 69 rue Sellier - 54000 Nancy - France - 00 [33] (0) - steven.duda@wanadoo.fr

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