In addition, our positions and those of the enemy in Alphen are covered with mines, traps of all kinds.
These mines protect us from intruders and night attacks, alerting those on guard, but they did a lot of damage during an unexpectedly ordered offensive, so our sappers did not manage to clear their own minefields properly. This happened to Corporal Ziemkiewicz and Sgt. Rybczak, who were riding on a carriage. Both were seriously injured.
The offensive of 27 October was a great success and should mark the beginning of the end for the operations south of the Meuse.
27 October - we are in Terover1, and the next day already in Lijndonk. We are making steady progress.
The Germans offered little resistance. On 29 October at 11.30 a.m. we took Bavel, 3 km south of Breda. That same day, our troops reached the suburbs of Breda.
Kazimierz Duda - War Chronicles - 27 to 29 October 1944 - Page 92
1 Terover was a small village between Baarle Nassau and Alphen, south of Alphen. The village was on the battle line of the 1st Armoured Division advancing towards Breda. (source: Frans Ruczynski)
Translation from French version: Steven Duda