Kazimierz Duda C.K.M. Band of Brothers CHRONICLES DOCUMENTS

Change of quarters and incidentsin the squadron

Just after the reorganisation of the unit, we received secret orders to mobilise for a mission that was difficult to organise, especially for the commands.
A deadline of just one month was set before we were to leave.
The equipment of the troops, down to the smallest thing, had to be complete and ready for combat.
Huge difficulties arose because, as always, the Polish order of battle was not quite the same as the British order of battle and the British did not recommend deviating from the regulations.
Orders for equipment were given according to British protocol and our unit was probably the only one to send everything back on time. This was equipment which, after sorting and classification, the squadron returned.
The new equipment arrived in almost a week. Weapons like rifles were exchanged for new types of heavy machine guns. The mortars were complete, but without sights, which we received much later.


Kazimierz Duda - War Chronicle - Early June 1944 - Page 35

Translation from French version: Steven Duda

Original page

Original page 35

Réalisé par Steven Duda - Tous droits réservés

Steven Duda - www.stevenduda.com - 69 rue Sellier - 54000 Nancy - France - 00 [33] (0) - steven.duda@wanadoo.fr

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