Kazimierz Duda C.K.M. Band of Brothers CHRONICLES DOCUMENTS

'Surveillance' operations on the Meuse and in the Scheldt estuary.1
After the liquidation of the Germans in the Capelle sector, the C.K.M. squadron returned to Breda in its former quarters. For some time the squadron was not used in surveillance operations, this mission being carried out by the armoured battalions and regiments. These missions were not very dangerous but exhausting.
The German infantry assaults ceased, only the artillery duels continued without interruption. On our side, the effectiveness of this fire was minimal. Towards the end of February the C.K.M. squadron was involved in these surveillance patrols and again the platoons joined the battalions. As a rule, there was a relaxation after eight days.
The platoons also took part in the surveillance of the coastal islands off the Scheldt lowlands, where the Germans were trying to dislodge a landing craft that would disrupt the port of Antwerp.
There, service was more difficult, as access to the island itself was rather unpleasant, as was the delivery of food due to the rough sea.


Kazimierz Duda - War Chronicles - 11 January to March 1945 - Page 115

1 Schelde in Dutch. A 355 km long river that crosses three countries: France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Its origin is in Gouy, north of Saint-Quentin in the Aisne.

Translation from French version: Steven Duda

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Réalisé par Steven Duda - Tous droits réservés

Steven Duda - www.stevenduda.com - 69 rue Sellier - 54000 Nancy - France - 00 [33] (0) - steven.duda@wanadoo.fr

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